I put my first package on PyPI. Then I found a bug, so I made a point
release to fix it! There are probably more of those lurking, which you
can report over on GitHub.
Just like so many others before me, I wrote this library to scratch an
itch, namely providing romanized pronunciations for Omnipresence’s
(Speaking of which, if I ever get that bot’s code into a less shameful
state, I should put it on PyPI too…)
The selection of Neutral Milk Hotel’s contradictory “Holland, 1945” for
the end
of the final episode – sonically upbeat, yet lyrically a grim contention
with death – makes a lot of sense in this light.
Just sayin’.
Meanwhile, Paul Krugman, who was part of the massive studio
singing “We’ll Meet Again” along with Mr. Colbert, reveals that there
really was a conspiracy all along,
@rocketverliden writes:
5th Amendment?
Startup founders vs
The former want to do cool things, while the latter want to achieve
business and financial goals. The two sets aren’t mutually exclusive,
but you can be forgiven for believing that they are. Meanwhile, it’s
still hard to read “one billion dollars” in anything other than Dr.
Evil’s voice.
@all-eternals-deck writes:
Particularly fond of the 9th.
China Snuffs Out Discussion of
There’s a great symbolic irony in how, in trying to prevent netizens
from discussing the past, Chinese censors have blocked searches for
“today” and “tomorrow”. By preventing the public from looking back, they
are in essence clouding the present and future.
I’m sorry, that was accidentally serious.