Room 208

Elaborate Burn

So Tumblr added @-mentions not too long ago.

Here’s what you type into the WYSIWYG editor:


It gets displayed as:


If you switch to HTML mode, the markup looks like (without newlines):

<a class="tumblelog">

Unless you save the post first, in which case you get:

<a class="tumblelog" href="">

If you try to use an @-mention in plain text or Markdown mode, meanwhile, the resulting markup is:


Notice anything missing? To get a proper link, you actually have to use (again, sans newlines):

<a class="tumblelog">

But be careful when you try to quote that markup in your post, because if you don’t escape it somehow, it’ll get transformed into:

<a class="tumblelog" href="">

Even in the middle of an indented Markdown code block.

Seriously, get it together, guys.